Tarleton Parents Association Scholarship

This scholarship will given to students whose family is enrolled in the TSU Parents Association with a 3.0 or higher grade point average. Graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. Recipients must write a 300 word essay one of the following topics: How has Tarleton impacted you to make a difference in the world and your family? or Why did you choose Tarleton, and if you are a first generation college student, how do you think it will impact your family?

Tarleton State University Parents Association
Supplemental Questions
  1. Are your parents/family members of the TSU Parents Association?
  2. Please write an approximate 300 word essay on one of the following topics: How has Tarleton impacted you to make a difference in the world and your family? or Why did you choose Tarleton, and if you are a first generation college student, how do you think it will impact your family?