Band Scholarship

This scholarship will be given to students participating in band. Recipients shall be full-time students with a 2.50 overall GPA and a 3.0 GPA in music. Probation may be granted at the discretion of the department head.

This award is contingent on the following:
1, students must participate in the ensembles as assigned by the Director of Bands based on successful audition
2, all students must audition for the fall semester Wind Ensemble/Chamber Winds
3, applicable students must audition for Jazz Band
4, all students must participate in Marching Band (a students is only allowed to not participate if permission is granted by the Director of Bands)
5, active membership and satisfactory progress in assigned ensembles
6, no unexcused absences from any performance or rehearsal

By accepting this scholarship, students are also agreeing to the following:
1, I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to notify Tarleton State University if I accept any other offers prior to May 1 of the acceptance year.
2, I acknowledge that after May 1 of the acceptance year, I may not consider offers from other member schools of the Texas Association of Music Schools unless I obtain written consent from the Tarleton State University Department of Fine Arts.
3, In the event I am unable to fulfill all of the conditions stated above, I will forfeit my scholarship immediately. Repayment of forfeited scholarship money will be in accordance with current Tarleton State University policy.

College of Liberal and Fine Arts, Performance Based Scholarships - Band