TSU Meats Jedging Team Alumni

TSU Meats Jedging Team Alumni

The Walter Rode Endowed Scholarship was established in 2017 by the TSU Meats Judging Team Alumni in memory of Walter Rode, a proud support of Tarleton State University. This scholarship shall be awarded to a full-time student who is a current or
immediate previous season member of the meats judging team.

The Tarleton Meat Judging Alumni Chapter also established, in March of 2023, the Tarleton Alumni Association Meat Judging Chapter Legacy Scholarship in order to honor students whose parents were members of the Tarleton Meat Judging Team. This
scholarship is awarded to a full-time students in good standing with the University and who has a parent or other family member who is a Tarleton Alumni and who was involved with the Meat Judging Team.
